Host an Official Event
Women Driven Mobility
Partnered Events Program
In the spirit of Women Driven Mobility’s mission—to grow, support, and highlight female-led work in the transportation sector—the our partner events program helps organizations and community groups produce WDM-style events at the local level. Women Driven Mobility Partnered Events are planned and coordinated independently, on a case-by-case basis, under a sponsored license from Women Driven Mobility.
By joining the Women Driven Mobility Partnered Events Program, the organizing body will receive:
Permissions to use Women Driven Mobility logos, imagery, and branding including full access to a brand kit and guidelines to make branding your event simple and easy
Invites sent out to the Women Driven Mobility mailing list
Women Driven Mobility social media promos, cross-promoted by the co-authors
Highlights in the Women Driven Mobility newsletter and blog
Prominent logo placement of the hosting organization on the Women Driven Mobility digital materials as a trusted partner for one year
Advisement from Women Driven Mobility on speakers, panelists, programming, etc. (if needed) for the event
To join the Women Driven Mobility Partnered Events Program, organizations can apply by completing the following form which will then be vetted.
Women Driven Mobility Partnered Events Program Application
Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!